How to Pack for Your Family Vacation

by | Jun 2, 2021 | Travel Tips

Packing: that frenzied ritual that signals the countdown to your vacation. But packing for a family trip with tiny kids?? That’s a whole different ball game — it’s like playing Tetris with a toddler screaming in your ear.

So, how do you pack efficiently for everyone in your family without forgetting the baby’s favorite pacifier or your teenager’s must-have hoodie? Fear not. This guide will help you navigate this wilderness, whether you’re a family of minimalists, maximalists, or somewhere in between.

The Art of Deciding What to Pack

Packing is not just about stuffing clothes and essentials into a suitcase. It’s about harmonizing your travel goals with your family culture and personal preferences. In order to figure out what kind of packer you are, consider asking yourself a few questions:

What are my travel goals? Are you looking to immerse yourself in the local culture or would you prefer to relax and rejuvenate? The answer will guide the kinds of clothes and items you need to pack. For instance, a cultural immersion trip might require more modest or specific attire, while a relaxing beach holiday would necessitate swimsuits and sunscreen.

What’s my family’s lifestyle? If your family leans towards minimalist living, focused on experiences over material goods, your packing list will reflect that, with fewer items and more space for souvenirs and spontaneous purchases. On the other hand, if your family is more comfort-oriented and prefers to have all possible needs covered, your list might be longer, but you’ll have peace of mind knowing you’re prepared for anything.

How much inconvenience am I willing to tolerate? There’s always a trade-off between packing light to ease your transit and packing everything you might need to ensure comfort during your stay. Which side do you lean on? If your flight has strict weight restrictions, it might be worth it to endure a little inconvenience or additional costs at your destination to save on baggage fees and the hassle of heavy luggage.

How adaptable is my family? Some families can happily adapt to whatever conditions they find at their destination, using local products and improvising solutions to any issues that come up. Others prefer the predictability and security of knowing they have everything they might need. Which one sounds more like your family?

Once you’ve reflected on these questions, you’ll have a clearer idea of how to approach your packing list. And remember, there’s no right or wrong here – just what suits your family best. Whether you pack just the bare necessities or prepare for all imaginable scenarios, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and at ease during your trip.

Want a more specific guide to get started? Head over to these articles: “Our Essential Baby Packing List” and “The Comprehensive, Prepare-for-Everything Family Packing List.” These resources can provide a solid starting point, which you can then adapt to fit your family’s unique needs and preferences.

Packing Hacks for Every Kind of Trip: planes, trains, and automobiles, oh my!

Now that we’ve figured out the “what,” let’s dive into the “how.” Here are some tips and tricks that can make the packing process smoother, regardless of your destination:

Packing Tips Flying with Kids

Layer up: Dress your kids in layers to help them adapt to changing temperatures on the flight.

Snacks, snacks, snacks: Pack plenty of healthy, kid-friendly snacks to keep hunger at bay.

Entertainment: Load a tablet with games and movies, and pack small toys or coloring books.

Change of Clothes: Pack a change of clothes for each child in your carry-on in case of spills or accidents.

Baby Supplies: Don’t forget diapers, wipes, and a changing pad in your carry-on for babies.

Comfort Items: Pack a favorite blanket or stuffed animal to help your child feel safe and secure.

Sanitizing Wipes: Essential for wiping down airplane surfaces before your child licks everything.

Travel Pillow: Smaller travel pillows can make the flight more comfortable for little ones.

Compression Bags: These can reduce the bulk of items like jackets and blankets.

Spare Plastic Bags: For storing dirty clothes, used diapers, or in case of motion sickness.

Packing Tips Road Trips with Kids

Organized Activities: Over-the-seat organizers can keep toys, books, and games easily accessible.

Cooler: Pack a cooler with refreshing drinks and snacks.

Car-friendly Games: Think magnetic board games or audiobooks.

Portable Potty: For those who are potty training, a portable potty could be a lifesaver.

Blanket: Pack a waterproof blanket for impromptu picnics or naps.

First Aid Kit: Include essentials like band-aids, antiseptic cream, and children’s medication.

Change of Clothes: Keep an easily accessible change of clothes for each child in case of spills or accidents.

Trash Bags: To keep the car tidy during the trip.

Sun Protection: Window shades can protect your kids from the sun.

Baby Essentials: If traveling with an infant, don’t forget essentials like diapers, baby food, and a portable changing pad.

Packing Tips for Cruises with Kids

Theme Night Costumes: Keep kids entertained with pirate or princess outfits for theme nights.

Swimsuits: Pack in carry-on for immediate pool access.

Motion Sickness Remedies: Pack child-friendly remedies like ginger candies or wristbands.

Night Light: Helps kids navigate to the bathroom at night.

Reusable Water Bottles: Stay hydrated without spending on bottled water.

UV-Protective Clothing: Essential for long days on the deck.

Water Shoes: Useful for poolside or shore excursions.

Color-Coded Bags: To easily find each child’s clothes and items.

Magnetic Hooks: They stick to the walls of your cabin and create extra hanging space.

Laundry Bags: Keep dirty clothes separate from clean ones.

Packing Tips for Trains Rides With Kids

Portable Activities: Coloring books, magnetic games, and sticker books can keep little hands busy.

Blanket and Pillow: Essential for overnight train rides.

Snacks: Pack plenty of kid-friendly snacks and refillable water bottles.

Wet Wipes and Hand Sanitizer: Handy for quick clean-ups and freshening up.

Lightweight Stroller: Helpful for moving through stations and can double as a seat.

Compact Toys: Small, lightweight toys can provide entertainment without weighing down your luggage.

Headphones: For watching movies or playing games without disturbing other passengers.

Change of Clothes: In case of spills or accidents.

Diaper Supplies: If traveling with an infant, ensure you have enough diapers and wipes for the journey.

First Aid Kit: Include essentials like band-aids, antiseptic cream, and children’s medication.

woman packing suitcase

The Ultimate Packing Hack: Teaching Your Kids to Pack

Teaching your kids to pack is more than a travel hack – it’s a journey towards self-reliance, responsibility, and confidence. While this process may not be a smooth ride, remember that with every shirt they fold and every toy they choose, they’re learning invaluable lessons. And isn’t that what travel is all about?

Why Teach Kids to Pack When it Takes Soooo Much Longer?

Before diving into the ‘how’, let’s talk about the ‘why’. Teaching your kids to pack:

Reduces your load: Taking the whole responsibility of packing on your shoulders can be stressful. But what if your child could take care of their own packing? Lighter load for you, right?

Equips them with life skills: Packing efficiently is not just about cramming clothes into a suitcase. It’s about organizing, prioritizing, and making decisions – essential life skills your kids can use beyond just packing a suitcase.

Boosts their confidence: It’s empowering for children to be responsible for their own stuff. They take pride in their ability to handle a task independently.

So, How Do You Do It?

Every child is different and their ability to pack will depend on their age, maturity, and understanding. Here’s a strategy that has worked for many families:

Step 1 – Do it Together: When they’re young and just starting to understand instructions, involve them in the process. Ask them to bring you their favorite toy or choose the t-shirts they want to take. This way, they start getting a feel for what packing involves.

Step 2 – Guide Them: As they grow older and start reading, you can make a packing list for them. This list can serve as a guide for them to start packing independently. You can supervise and assist them as needed.

Step 3 – Hand Over the Reins: Once they’re confident and capable enough, let them take over completely. At this stage, you can simply remind them about the task. If they ask for help, of course, lend a hand. But also allow them the room to make mistakes and learn from them.

“When they are old enough to follow directions, I have them help me pack their bag. Once they can read, I make them a list and have them pack for themselves. Once they’re old enough to do it themselves, I remind them to do it and put the ball in their court – if they ask for help, I’ll of course help, but if they forget to pack something essential, they’ll learn the lesson of natural consequences.”

Chantel O., mom of four

The Ultimate Packing List for a Family Vacation

Alright, now on to the ultimate packing list for your family vacation! If you want a Google Docs checklist version, grab a copy here!

Babies & Toddlers Packing List

  1. Diapers: Consider one for each hour you’re in transit, plus extras.
  2. Baby wipes: These can be used for everything from diaper changes to quick cleanups.
  3. Baby food and formula: Include enough for the journey and at least a day or two afterwards.
  4. Feeding equipment: Bottles, bibs, sippy cups, and baby spoons.
  5. Clothing: Pack according to the climate and consider layers for changes in weather. Include extras for accidents.
  6. Baby carrier: A sling or front carrier can be very handy.
  7. Lightweight stroller: Consider a stroller that is easy to collapse and carry.
  8. Car seat: Necessary for car journeys, and often for plane travel as well.
  9. Comfort items: Don’t forget favorite blankets, pacifiers, or soft toys.
  10. Changing Pad: Essential for on-the-go diaper changes.
  11. Swim diapers: If you’re heading somewhere with water.
  12. Sun hat and sunblock: Protect their sensitive skin from the sun.
  13. Plastic bags: For dirty diapers or wet clothes.
  14. Baby monitor: If you’re staying in a large accommodation or house.
  15. Bath items: Travel-sized baby shampoo, soap, and a small towel.
  16. First Aid items: Baby paracetamol, thermometer, and any prescription medicines.
  17. Nightlight: Helpful for new environments and bedtime routines.
  18. Portable high chair: Can be handy if your accommodation doesn’t have one.
  19. Baby snacks: Such as rice cakes or small fruit pouches.
  20. Travel crib: If your accommodation doesn’t provide one.

Kids Packing List

  1. Clothes: Include underwear, socks, sleepwear, and extra outfits.
  2. Snacks: Both healthy and treat options to keep them satisfied.
  3. Water bottle: Help them stay hydrated on the go.
  4. Activity books: These can keep them entertained during travel or downtime.
  5. Personal hygiene items: Kid-friendly toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, and shampoo.
  6. Medications: Any prescriptions they’ll need, as well as child-friendly pain reliever.
  7. Toys or games: Favorite items that are easy to pack.
  8. Travel pillow and blanket: For comfort during travel or in different accommodations.
  9. Sunscreen and hats: Protect them from harmful rays.
  10. Wet wipes: Quick cleanups of hands or faces.
  11. Portable devices: Tablets or handheld game consoles, don’t forget the chargers.
  12. Backpack: A small bag for them to carry their own items can be helpful.
  13. Swim gear: Swimsuits, goggles, and water shoes if needed.
  14. First aid kit: Include band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and aloe vera for sunburns.
  15. Rain gear: Depending on the climate, consider packable jackets or ponchos.
  16. Bug spray: Protect them from pesky insects.
  17. Travel-size laundry detergent: In case you need to wash some items on the go.
  18. Tissues: Handy for sniffles or spills.
  19. Headphones: Consider child-friendly ones for use with tablets or in-flight entertainment.
  20. Favorite book or stuffed animal: Something familiar to help them feel comfortable.

Teens Packing List

  1. Clothes: Include underwear, socks, sleepwear, and layerable outfits.
  2. Snacks: Healthy snacks to keep energy up during travel days.
  3. Entertainment: Books, headphones, travel games, etc.
  4. Personal hygiene items: Travel-sized deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, and feminine hygiene products.
  5. Medications: Any prescriptions they’ll need, as well as over-the-counter medicines they might require.
  6. Water bottle: Encourage hydration.
  7. Travel pillow and blanket: For in-transit comfort.
  8. Sunscreen: Teens can be prone to forgetting sun protection.
  9. Wet wipes or face cleanser wipes: Great for freshening up.
  10. Portable chargers: To keep their devices powered up.
  11. Travel adapters: If you’re traveling internationally.
  12. Swim gear: Depending on your destination, they might want their own snorkel or goggles.
  13. Rain gear: Lightweight raincoat or umbrella.
  14. Travel-size laundry detergent: If they need to do their own laundry on the road.
  15. Bug spray: Especially important if you’re visiting a region with mosquitos or ticks.
  16. Travel documents: If they’re old enough, they should carry a copy of their passport and insurance details.
  17. Phone and charger: They’ll likely want their smartphone with them.
  18. Reusable shopping bag: Useful for shopping trips or as a beach bag.
  19. Journal and pen: For jotting down memories or thoughts.
  20. Travel guide or map: Encourage them to explore and navigate.

Parent Packing List

  1. Clothes: Remember to pack for all types of weather, and consider mix-and-match pieces.
  2. Snacks: For those moments when you’re in need of a quick energy boost.
  3. Entertainment: Books, magazines, e-readers, etc. for downtime.
  4. Personal hygiene items: Travel-sized toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, shaver, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, and any other personal care items you use daily.
  5. Medications: Don’t forget prescription medications, as well as common over-the-counter items.
  6. Water bottle: Staying hydrated is key, especially when on the move.
  7. Travel pillow and blanket: Especially useful for long flights or train rides.
  8. Sunscreen and hats: Protect your skin from the sun.
  9. Chargers and adapters: For all your electronic devices.
  10. Travel documents: Keep your passport, ID, tickets, reservations, and emergency contact information handy.
  11. Snacks: For when hunger strikes on the go.
  12. Guidebooks or maps: Get familiar with your destination.
  13. Umbrella or lightweight raincoat: Because the weather can be unpredictable.
  14. First aid kit: Band-aids, antiseptic cream, tweezers, and pain relievers.
  15. Glasses or contact lenses: Don’t forget your case and solution.
  16. Wet wipes and hand sanitizer: For quick cleanups and germs.
  17. Reusable shopping bag: Always useful for impromptu shopping.
  18. Travel laundry detergent: Handy for quick washing of clothes.
  19. Portable chargers: To keep your devices powered up.
  20. Travel-size sewing kit: In case of a clothing emergency.

Everything Else Packing List

  1. Travel documents: Passports, ID cards, driving licenses, tickets, reservation confirmations, and insurance details.
  2. Money: Have a mix of local currency for your destination, and a credit card for emergencies.
  3. Snacks: Energy bars, trail mix, and other non-perishable snacks.
  4. Water bottles: Hydration is key when traveling.
  5. Chargers and adapters: Make sure you have the right type for your destination.
  6. Maps and guidebooks: Great for planning on the go.
  7. First aid kit: Include basics like band-aids, tweezers, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medicines.
  8. Flashlight or headlamps: In case you find yourself somewhere without enough light.
  9. Umbrella or raincoats: Weather can change quickly.
  10. Reusable shopping bags: Good for shopping or beach trips.
  11. Travel pillows and blankets: These can make travel much more comfortable.
  12. Portable chargers: Keep your devices charged while on the go.
  13. Laundry bag: Keep dirty clothes separate from clean ones.
  14. Travel laundry detergent: For those times when you need to do a quick wash.
  15. Travel-size sewing kit: Just in case!
  16. Wet wipes and hand sanitizer: For cleaning hands on the go.
  17. Bug spray: Especially important in certain destinations.
  18. Snack bags or containers: Great for on-the-go snacking.
  19. Tissues: Always handy.
  20. Locks: For securing your luggage during transit.

Final Campfire Thoughts

Packing for a family vacation might seem like a Herculean task, but with a bit of planning, the right mindset, and a dash of humor, you can turn it into an exciting prelude to your journey. Remember, packing is not just about clothes and toiletries; it’s about anticipation, preparation, and the promise of memorable adventures.

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